Friday, August 5, 2016

Today is my 8th day of eating clean

Today is my 8th day of eating clean. My goal is to go thirty days. Then I will evaluate if I want to commit to another thirty or begin modifications.

What is clean eating. To me it is the elimination of process foods, bread, beer (alcohol), chips, sweets, pizza etc. I've been to two gatherings and didn't crave any of the food. This is amazing to me - I've never been so disciplined. I am applying everything of read about diet, exercise, overcoming mental challenges.

I will begin working out in the morning as I think that is the only way I will be able to be consistent.

I've lost about 7 lbs. My face feels thinner and when I clasp my hands, it feels thinner.

My motivation is 100% internal. If you were to see me on an elliptical my eyes most likely will be closed. I am visualizing a leaner me, I am feeling internal fat burning away. I am fighting for a new me.

It took me about two years to get to this level of engaged motivation. Odd it wasn't a contest, or a doctors order - maybe my wife's plead for me to take care of myself after her brother just passed away.... maybe...

As I reflect, I think a large part of it is frustration - not finding a decent casual shirt that would fit - noticing my favorite shirts were tight... odd how seeing myself in the mirror didn't trigger alarms - or the scale....

Today, I feel great because mentally I am in the best place I've been in a long time. My long term goal is 70 lbs. I'm thinking it will take me about 42 weeks at 2 lbs per week - ironically my birthday falls on that week.

My plan is to focus on macro nutrients and eating clean. I've placed red stickers on all the bad foods in the house and green stickers on the good foods.

Once I lose 50 lbs(around January) I will start the couch to 5K program - this should be a good boost for the last 3 months as I'm certain there will be plateaus along the way. I'm thinking my machine cardio HIIT workouts will have me in good respiratory shape.

I intend to introduce swimming and cycling at some point and in October 2017 I'd like to participate in a mini triathlon.

I know, I know, it's a long way off. However, it's good to have short term and long term goals.

To recap:

Short Term:

  • Eat healthy meals - 900 Cal deficit (32% of TDEE)
  • Exercise (resistance and Cardio) 5 days per week (2 days per week are travel days)
  • Rest 1 day per week

Long Term

Gradually increase workout intensity, introduce swimming and running around January 2017.

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